Thursday, April 19, 2007

You say "Potato," I say "Potato"

Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. I could really care less about most potato products. French fries, no thanks. Mashed potatoes, only on Thanksgiving. Smashed potatoes are better, but ROASTED ROSEMARY POTATOES are a staple in my life. This little dish is quite versatile. Its a great side to a steak dinner in January or something to bring to a BBQ in July. Whenever I bring roasted rosemary potatoes somewhere, they are gone before the meal is over. They are so easy to make and easy to PREPARE AHEAD I can't think of a reason why they aren't the best side dish ever.
So here's the recipe:
  • 2 lbs. red baby potatoes (you could get white potatoes, but why?)

  • fresh or dried rosemary

  • olive oil

  • kosher salt

  • fresh ground pepper

Put your oven at 450 and remember to put parchment on your baking sheet

Ok, quarter your potatoes so they look like this:

Then add 2 tbs. of dried rosemary (remember that dried rosemary has a stronger flavor than adjust the recipe accordingly), 4 pinches of kosher salt and a good amount of fresh ground pepper. Drizzle olive oil over the potatoes and seasoning and stir.

Finally put on your baking sheet. Roast in the over for 45 minutes or until the potatoes are that dark, roaster color and your house smells like rosemary...which ever comes first.

Put the potatoes in a dish and enjoy!

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