Sunday, April 15, 2007

How creative arts reflect ones inner peace

For me, crafting is really about an obsession with aesthetics. I love that aesthetics is defined as a heightened sense of beauty, because any good crafter knows that it's all about the details that you might be the only one to notice. The way colors play off each other, or the way a pattern creates a sense of harmony is true beauty. While sewing and cooking together, Jess and I have realized some interesting things about ourselves. In my every day life, I'm kind of casual about organization and rules, but in cooking and crafting, well that's another story. Don't mess with my obsession with patterns and organization, or watch out! And don't come into my kitchen thinking we aren't going to use measuring cups and separate our eggs. Jess is trying to teach me the art of letting go. Of trusting that beauty comes from the flaws and human errors, but I'll have none of it. Now, she is entirely the opposite. Organized to a "T" as any good teacher should be, she takes her crafting and cooking as a release from the stress of every day obsessions. It's her outlet of creative energy that doesn't need rules and parameters to be measured. It's all about the experience, not the end product. SEW, as you can imagine, the two of us working together can occasionally create some tension. Maybe I do need to learn to relax more. Maybe Jess could use a little more structure to her creative flow. Maybe release is a reflection of inner peace, and she's just further along on the journey than I am. Either way, the end result is usually quite beautiful, so it all relative I suppose. Keeping reading for more adventures!

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