Wednesday, August 8, 2007


A baby girl is coming!!! My cousin Kelly is expecting the first girl in the family in almost 19 years and I couldn't be more excited. The five little boys born in the past few years are wonderful and as sweet as can be but pink and ruffles are sooo much fun. This little one is going to be met with lots of handmade love at her baby shower this weekend. The hat is from Natural Knits for Babies and Moms and the I found the bib pattern free online!

I also spent the morning working on some sewmuchthyme bags to send off. Here's the one I just finished...the only clue I got to help pick out fabric was that the girl likes "bright colors."

Now I need to finish a secret quilt for a secret friend who is coming into town this weekend for a visit. Maybe it will be done....maybe.
Until then, I really want to make this. It would be perfect to hold my neurophysiology text book this Fall....

1 comment:

Heather Mattern said...

I LOVE the bibs that you made! Cant wait to see the "secret quilt" I have wanted to take up quilting but it seems so overwhelming!