Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Lupine Lady

Did I ever mention that I'm a bibliophile? I love LOVE books. If it has a cover and pages I like it and read it. If I'm not crafting, I'm reading....

Today I read my students my favorite childhood book Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney. If you ever have to read a book to any child at any age this is the book. Alice Rumphius, the Lupine Lady has three goals in life: travel to faraway places, live by the sea, and make the world more beautiful. This strong female character achieves her goals and makes the world a more beautiful place by planting lupine seeds where ever she goes. Even my inner-city kiddos, who are literary critics in their own sense, loved this book!!! Yay for passing on a love of literature!

In crafting news, the stripey sock is coming along quite nice...Hopefully this long weekend will allow for lots of crafting productivity.

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